
Good ending attack

The 6th game of Oui Title Match had ended a while ago.
Challenger 8-Dan Kimura won against the title holder Habu. The ending attack from △N*25 at #99 was great.



In this position, the gote's threat is △+Rx58, ▲Sx, △G*88, ▲K-97, △Px96.
Sente has to capture the king at this moment without giving a gold. For instance, ▲G-22 here is taken by the rook, and then when ▲+Sx, sente's king is checkmated by △G*88.
Generally, ▲+B-34 would be played here. If taken with the gold, sente would almost win with ▲+Sx. But, with △Nx33, ▲+Bx, △Rx32 (Diag.), gote can gain a gold. The threatmate occurs.

Instead of ▲+Bx, if ▲Gx is played, after △Gx34, ▲Gx, sente's king will be checkmated by △S-88+, ▲Kx, △B*79, ▲K-98, △S*97, ▲Nx, △Bx+, ▲Kx, △+Rx99. ▲N*98, △Px96 (Diag.).

By putting ▲N*25, △Px (△Gx, ▲+Bx, △Px, ▲G*23 mated) before ▲+B-34, it becomes possible to check with ▲+Bx35 when △Nx33 (Diag.). After that, sente can capture the king with △S*24, ▲Gx33.

This is why △N*25 at #99 was a good ending attack.

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