Two moves are available in basic diagram. (1) △S*87 and (2) △N-33.
Basic Diagram |
(1) △S*87 is a fierce attack with a silver sacrifice, which is threatening to make room forcibly for dropping a rook. If taken with gold, △R*79 would be dropped. After this, it would proceed with ▲K-48 △Bx67+ ▲S*58 △+Bx ▲Kx △R-78+ ▲P*68 △+Rx87 ▲P*88 △+R-78 ▲B*45 (Diag.1) or ▲L*69 △Bx67+ ▲S*58 △+Bx89 ▲P*64 △Px ▲+Bx21 (Diag.2). Actually, I think each case is slightly better for
sente, but, according to past data, in reply to △S*87, ▲+B-77 (Diag.3) is selected in most games. If △Sx78+, after ▲+Bx, there would be no place to drop something in
sente's camp.
Diag.1 |
Diag.2 |
Diag.3 |
In Diag.3,
gote is supposed to play △Sx76=. If taken with +bishop, △R*26 would become a +bishop-silver fork. Many players avoid it and select ▲+B-68 safely. In fact, against △R*26, I suppose
sente has a little advantage with ▲P*27 △Rx76 ▲S*77 although it might be a long game from △R-75.
After ▲+B-68, continuing with △P*88 ▲R*75 △Px89+ ▲Rx45,
sente is slightly better also in this case. This line is more common than ▲+Bx76.
(2) △N-33 blockades the +bishop's path and aims at several strong moves next, such as △S*87, △S*66 and △R*26. Here, ▲L*36 (Diag.4) is said to be the strongest candidate for
sente, although ▲R*86 and ▲R*21 are also considered.
Diag.4 |
Against △S*87 in Diag.4, it's not good to take it in this position because +bishop can't pull back on 77. If taken with gold, continuing with △R*79 ▲K-48 △Bx67+ ▲S*58 △+Bx ▲Kx △Rx89+ (Diag.5),
gote would be better.
Sente's king is in more trouble than
Diag.5 |
Therefore, ▲G-79 against △S*87 should be played instead of ▲Gx. After △Bx67+, it will go for mutual attack with ▲Lx33+ △S-78+ ▲Gx △+Bx ▲+Lx32 △Sx (Diag.6).
Diag.6 |
It seems like
sente's king is more dangerous than
gote's as the place of opponent's +bishop is close to his king. Actually, in Diag.6, early
eacape with ▲K-48 make the king safety. Even if checked by △R*68, ▲G*58 would protect tightly. After ▲K-48, it will proceed with △+Bx89 ▲P*62 (Diag.7) △Kx ▲P*64.
Diag.7 |
▲P*62 is the pawn technique to capture the king quickly. In case of △Sx, the attack with ▲+B-22 would be severe because the left side is blocked by his own pieces. Also, in case of △Gx, ▲+B-22 as when △Sx would be a severe move, which is threatening to drop the rook on the 1st rank. In case of △Kx, ▲P*64 will be an effective attack to hit the vital point of the king's head. In each case,
sente has an advantage at Diag.7.
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